新会志达地板木业制品厂有限公司是 由(香港)俊达木业工程有限公司投资兴办的外商独资企业 ,专业从事实木地板、多层实木复合地板、户外地板、木制品的生产、木材烘干加工、地板销售业务。始于1984年,经过二十多年的努力,培养一批高素质的人才,发展成为一个拥有雄厚技术力量、先进生产设备的现代化企业。 厂址位于江门市新会区银洲湖畔,厂房面积 15000多平方米 ,设有先进的木材干燥房、进口薄片框锯机、薄片恒温恒湿房、冷热压贴面车间、地板企口车间, 水性和UV 紫外线固化滚涂车间、PU喷漆车间、15个木材干燥窑。 年产装饰、装修用的优质地板系列100多万平方米 。地板原料主要有:加拿大枫木、缅甸柚木、美国黑胡桃、俄罗斯橡木、南美红檀、红檀香、紫檀、金檀、金象牙、白象牙、龙凤檀、陶阿里、水曲柳、欧洲榉木、印度尼西亚金不换、菠萝格等几几十种名贵木材,全部直接从东南亚、北美洲、欧洲、南美洲、非洲等国家地区进口。公司引进德国油漆配方,成功研制各种高档油面、仿古、工艺地板。 产品远销美国、加拿大、欧洲、东南亚、香港、中国等世界各地,根据客户的需求不断创新产品,拓展国内外市场。公司一贯坚持“优质名威,产品一流”的质量宗旨,一直奉行“以人为本、不断探索,不断开拓,勇于拼搏,臻于完美”的管理理念和企业精神,赢得了广大客户的信赖与支持。产品经国家木材检测中心及中国建筑材料流通协会认可,被评定为“中国质量供货合格放心、安全无毒害环保建材产品”,并通过了 ISO9001:2000 质量管理体系认证、FSC森林认证和CE欧盟认证。
Xin Hui Zhi Da Flooring & Timber Products Factory Co., Ltd. engaging in solid wooden flooring and engineered wooden flooring, is a foreign-funded enterprise invested by(Hongkong)Shun Tat Timber Engineering Co.,Ltd.
After more than twenty years, Zhida has developed into a modern enterprise with abundant funds, advanced facilities and professional workers.
The factory is located in the east area of Jinguzhou Economic Development Zone, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, covering an area of 18,000m 2, with 15,000m 2 of it as the workshop areas. The workshops are composed of matchboard workshops, UV ultraviolet solidified roller painting workshops and PU polyqwrethane spray painting workshops, kiln-drying houses and the workshops for consolidation of the veneer and the base wood as engineered flooring. The annual production capacity is about 1,000,000m 2
The wooden materials are imported from South-east Asia, South-America and Europe, including Macaranduba, Red Incienso, Lapacho, Tatajuba, Goiabao, Beech, Garapa, Burma Teak and Russian Oak,etc. Zhida has introduced roller-painting skills from and successfully developed a new product of hyperploid rigidity flooring.
Our products are mainly for export, to Hongkong, ect, furthermore,