公司介绍 |
本公司於1989年2月在香港成立,以設計和製造經典歐陸式的木製傢俬為主。 1991年,廠房遷往中國廣東省東莞市的鳯崗鎮,逐漸發展成一個多元化的企業。 我們其中一個著名傢俬品牌「富貴居」,以仿古實木,營造出經典的歐陸式風格,甚受豪華住宅、高級酒店、商店和辦公室的用戶歡迎。 本公司具有豐富的承造大型工程經驗,如承辦別墅、酒店、商舖、酒樓和火鍋店等設計及裝修工程,兼且代辦申領有關食肆所有營業牌照。 在中國內地和香港,均設有施工隊伍,由本集團直接管理。製作工序主要以東莞作為後勤基地,所出產的製成品或半製成品,供應給世界各地的專門店和分銷商。 原料方面,均採用來自世界各地的頂級物料,包括歐美實木和木皮、希臘和意大利的石材,以及捷克和日本的不銹鋼、銅、鋁等材料,是信心的保證。 公司備有先進的製作及管理技術,包括電腦繪圖、寄存及管理一切製成品的服務。包括本公司「富貴居 」的傢俬品牌系列 提供一切銷售、報價服務,以滿足客戶的需要。歡迎本地及海外買家垂詢。 “Hop Wo” was established in Hong Kong in 1989. We design and manufacture predominately wooden antiques in a classical western style. In 1991, we relocated our factory to Phoenix Hillock Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province in China, which subsequently expanded our enterprise and versatility. One of our Westernized created brands, “Wealth House”, produces a luxurious range of wooden furniture encompassing classical European designs for homes, hotels, shops and offices. Our company has ample experience on large scale works, such as the construction of villas, the decoration and interior design of hotels, business shops, restaurants as well as “Hot Pot restaurants”. We also provide with a high standard professional consultation to help our clients to obtain all related food business licenses. “Hop Wo” has its own engineering units both in Hong Kong and China, which is directly managed by the corporation. Dongguan is mainly responsible for production. The products and semi-products will be distributed to the shops and reseller. We order the finest raw materials from around the world, such as solid wood and veneer from Europe and America, stone from Italy and Greece and stainless steel and copper aluminum from Japan and the Czech Republic. Our company is equipped with computer cartography which records, saves and manages all products. This includes all relative designs, project proposals, sales and quotations which ultimately guarantee customer satisfaction. Local and overseas buyers are welcome. |
东莞市凤岗镇合和家私厂的更多资料 |
法人代表: |
成立时间: |
1989年 |
注册资金: |
经营模式: |
生产型 |
年营业额: |
人民币500-1000万元 |
员工人数: |
51 - 100 人 |
注册商标: |