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公 司 介 绍  
    ACG Green Group, Inc. is a worldwide importer and distributor of home decorating products founded in 1991. The company headquarters are in Garden Grove, California, USA.

Our mission is to provide our customers with high quality, stylish products at excellent prices.

As the company has grown, so has the scope of our product line, which now includes bedding, decorative pillows, fabric covered storage boxes, wooden jewelry and music boxes, table linens, small furniture pieces, and aromatherapy and novelty candles. An exciting new line of bridal accessories and favors under the Jennifer Taylor brand name is our latest introduction.

Our customers run the gamut from fashionable department stores to neighborhood gift shops. We also service bed and bath stores, drug stores, home decorating outlets, furniture showrooms, bridal boutiques, and jewelry and fragrance manufacturers. We have showrooms in all of the major markets including Atlanta, Dallas, New York and Los Angeles. Our products can be found in more than 40 countries including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, and Saudi Arabia.

Although we have achieved global status in a very short period, we have never lost sight of the fact that success comes one customer at a time.
法人代表:   成立时间:  年
注册资金:  万人民币 经营模式:  生产/贸易型
年营业额:  --请选择-- 员工人数:  --请选择--

Cathy Jiang 先生 ( )
地  址:杭州西溪路470-2
邮  编:310023
电  话:0571-85220641
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公司网址:www.wood168.net/userfile/usr.asp?id=48391 www.acggreen.com
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