丰胜 (广州) 建材有限公司(原称广州丰胜德高建材有限公司)是一间外资的建材生产商。主要经营户外防腐木材、户外木器漆系列产品。2001年率先从澳大利亚引进木材防腐技术,创建了“丰胜木业”与“丰胜防腐木”的品牌,并在国内广州、上海、北京设立了专业木材防腐厂(其中设在北京木材节约中心实验中心的丰胜北京工厂作为行业教学示范基地)。 丰胜的销售网络遍及全国,在百安居、东方家园、华美乐四十家门店设有展示厅和供应。在全国各地还有专卖店二十余家。在全国80个城市建立了强大的营销网络,是中国木材防腐业的领导公司和优质防腐木的坚守者。
丰胜拥有园林景观的专业设计师以及专业的安装服务队伍,全方位为客户服务。丰胜木园艺将始终引领中国木材保护工业的发展的潮流。Fernz (Guangzhou) Construction Materials Co.,Ltd (former Guangzhou Fernz-Davco Building Materials Co., Ltd.) is a foreign own building metarial producer. Fernz took the lead in introducing timber preservation technology and established “Fernz Timber” in 2001. Fernz has timber treatment plants in Guangzhou , Shanghai and Beijing, with an annual production capacity of over 30000 m3. As an industry leader, Fernz has a well established marketing network in China. Fernz has also been taking an leading role in the establishment of the Timber Protection Association and the formulation of wood preservation standards.丰胜高端防腐木-坚持抵制“湿材防腐”潜规则,坚持采用蒸汽窑干工艺
2001年 丰胜木业推出CCA和CCA防腐木,并在全国推广木材防腐技术;
2002年 丰胜木业推出ACQ和ACQ防腐木,并开发出FB橡胶木防霉剂,替代五氯酚钠的使用,符合环保要求;
2003年 丰胜木业在广州、上海、北京建立专业木材防腐厂,为中国的木材防腐业做出了重要贡献;
2005年 丰胜木业公司与国外公司合作共同研究并率先在国内推出防水抗裂木,有效解决了防腐材使用过程中出现的开裂 、变形等缺陷,深受市场欢迎;同年,公司又适时推出园艺木制品,方便了客户,延伸防腐木的使用 ;
2006年 丰胜木业推出了具有高度环保性的高温炭化木。
2008年 丰胜木业推出了水性耐候防腐木漆,具有耐候、环保、防水、易涂刷的特点。
2009年 丰胜成为国际木材保护组织(IRG)在中国的唯一会员和赞助商。
2010年 丰胜再次引领行业发展,创建了“丰胜木园艺”品牌新形象,为客户提供优质定制安装服务
2011年 丰胜华南旗舰店在鱼珠木材市场开业,正式打出抵制湿材防腐木潜规则的口号,在鱼珠市场推出“丰胜窑干防腐木”。Fernz has always been a pace setter of the Chinese timber preservation industry:
2001: Fernz introduced CCA preservative and CCA treated wood to the market and promoted timber preservation technology in China;
2002: Fernz introduced ACQ preservatives and ACQ treated wood and launched the eco-friendly FB anti-mold preservative to replace the use of pentachlorophenol (PCP);
2003: Fernz opened timber treatment plants in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing ;
2005: In coorperation with its foreign counterpart, Fernz launched waterproof & crack-resisting wood, proving to be a big hit in the market. It provided a solution to the cracking and deformation problems of preserved wood. In the same year, Fernz treated wood products came to the market; garden woodwork like trellis, pergola, gazebo were among the customers' favorites;
2006: Fernz announced the launch of thermally-modified wood; completely environmentally-friendly and safe.
2008: Fernz Water-based Exterior Timber Paint was launched, featuring excellent weather resistance, environmental friendliness, waterproofing quality and ease of applcation.
2009 Fernz was accepted as the only member and sponsor of the International Research Group on Wood Protection (IRG) in China.
2010 Fernz led the industry again in establishing the new brand "Fernz Wood n Garden", offering "made to measure" garden woodwork to suit every customers' needs.
2011 Fernz opened a flagship store in Yuzhu timber market, advertising its slogan "we use only kiln-dried