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公 司 介 绍  
    Sino-Global Sourcing & Supply Limited (SGSSL), established in year 2005 in in Hongkong with the aim of being a reliable exporter of Refractory, non-Refractory Materials and also other items which can be exported from mainland China.
    It has been supplying materials worldwide, meeting the requirements of mainly steel, cement, glass and copper industries. However, we can also supply various other items as per customers need due to our good supply chain management.
    Our comprehensive product list will explain about our core items that find their way across the globe.
    SGSSL has tie-up with many renowned manufacturers with ISO accreditation for the range of products it exports to different countries to ensure the stringent quality requirements of its customers.
    It also has a totally committed team of professionals to attend to your enquiries and ensure on-time delivery.
    Please feel free to write to us should you desire any additional information or clarification
法人代表:  萨帝斯密斯拉 成立时间:  2005年
注册资金:  200万人民币 经营模式:  贸易型
年营业额:  人民币100-250万元 员工人数:  5 - 10 人
注册商标:  环球物源

程微 女士 (耐材部 业务员)
地  址:营口市鲅鱼圈区新闻大厦
邮  编:115007
电  话:0417-6209787
传  真:0417-6209771
手  机:13840720717
公司网址:www.wood168.net/userfile/usr.asp?id=298211 www.sgssl.com
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