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Oxas industries Cp., Ltd

公 司 介 绍  
    Oxas Industries, a company established in China, is dedicated to providing superior business solutions for the interested importer and exporter, through our company’s excellent services in research, risk management, and our indefinite pursuit of quality control. We specialize in searching for the most competitive priced suppliers.
    Oxas will continue to follow up on the production process and assist with all communications as needed to guarantee our clients’ confidence in all of their Chinese investing needs.
     Why China? Why Oxas Industries?
    Today China is the world s largest manufacturer; This is no secret in the business world.
    According to the World Bank, China is now one of the largest exporter countries in the world, exporting more than 30% of their GDP annual production.
    For a corporation to produce successful and viable manufacture operations in a foreign country there needs to be a strong presence of the industry’s risks and an acute local know-how.
     With increasing costs at home, investing your business in China’s global market will become your best decision.
     The question remains: Can I do this on my own?
    Oxas Industries Co., Ltd. can assist in this process and is the right partner for any enterprise that wishes to excel in the rising global market.
    Oxas Industries, The Bridge for your Business.
主要产品:all kinds of product
Oxas industries Cp., Ltd的更多资料:
法人代表:  OXCAR 成立时间:  2002年
注册资金:  200万人民币 经营模式:  贸易型
年营业额:  人民币5000万元-1亿元 员工人数:  11 - 50 人
注册商标:  OXAS

anna 女士 (perchase perchase)
地  址:广东省广州市天河区体育东路122号羊城商贸大厦西塔1612室
邮  编:517000
电  话:020-38264725
传  真:020-38264729
手  机:13826229406
公司网址:www.wood168.net/userfile/usr.asp?id=271097 www.oxasindustries.com
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