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Shouguang Hongyu Panels Co.Ltd

公 司 介 绍  
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I knew you are one of the largest customers in wood-based panels, which is within the scope of our business.
    Take this opportunity, we introduce my company, as one of the manufactures of wood-based panel in ShouGuang,ShanDong province.Below are our products that we deal with:
    1.Particle Board
    -plain patrticle board
    -melemine faced particle board
    -hard board
    -hollow particle board
    -plain MDF(HDF)
    -melamined faced MDF(HDF)
    -slot density board
    -commerical plywood
    -film-faced waterproof shutter plywood
    -fancy veneered
    4.block board
    5.solid wood
    -solid wood connection
    -solid joint finger coreboards
    -solid wood floor
    Should you have interest of items mentioned above? Kindly let us know by return mail. For getting all the detailed information, you are invited to visit our web site: http://www.hongyupanels.com, or you can call me at:
     0086-536-5251559,or give me a E-mail.
    We hope that we can have a good business start.
    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
    Sincerely Yours
主要产品:wooden panels
Shouguang Hongyu Panels Co.Ltd的更多资料:
法人代表:   成立时间:  年
注册资金:  万人民币 经营模式:  生产/贸易型
年营业额:  --请选择-- 员工人数:  --请选择--

Lu 女士 ( )
地  址:ShouGuang,ShanDong
邮  编:262700
电  话:0086-536-5251559
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手  机:
Shouguang Hongyu Panels Co.Ltd发送商务询盘
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