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Tropical Rainforest Wood S.A.


首 页  
    Tropical Rainforest Wood S.A.. who is a Panamanian company, supplying tropical wood with competitive price for Chinese market. The main supply of the materials are Balsamo, Cumaru, Ipe, Jatoba, Mahogny, Bloodwood etc. All these woods are came from Central and South America, the main source is from colombia and Nicaragua.......
主要产品:Tropical Rainforest Wood, Balsamo, Cumaru, Jatoba, Ipe, Mahogny,Bloodwood, Tigerwood


Tropical Rainforest Wood S.A.的更多资料:

法人代表:  Taco Shintaku 成立时间:  2001年
注册资金:  万人民币 经营模式:  贸易型
年营业额:  人民币1000-5000万元 员工人数:  5 - 10 人

Vivian Zheng 女士 (Marketing Department Manager)
地  址:Shahekou Disctrict, Dalian, China
邮  编:116000
电  话:0411-84210810
传  真:
手  机:13840941702
Tropical Rainforest Wood S.A.发送商务询盘


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