商铺公告 |
公司介绍 |
龙大集团木业制品有限公司始建于1992年,隶属于龙大食品集团有限公司,下辖五个国内外工厂和分公司。历经十余年的风雨,公司现已发展成为拥有总资产1.5亿元、职工1200余人、年产值2.5亿元、年出口创汇3000万美元的大型企业。公司以木制品加工为主导产业,主要产品为实木家具,产品销往丹麦、瑞典、德国、意大利等十余个国家和地区。 2003年10月,龙大集团木业制品有限公司在莱阳市食品工业园内投资1.2亿元兴建龙大木业工业园,战地220余亩,规划建设期3~5年。工程全部投产后,预计年出口创汇总额将达到6000万美元。 longda group wood processing co., ltd, being affiliated to longda foodstuff group co., ltd, was established in 1992, and has five factories and branches at home and abroad at present. over the past ten years, it has developed into a large-scale enterprise with more than 1200 staff and workers, total assets of rmb150 million, and annual foreign exchange earnings of usd30million.the company is specialized in wood products processing, and its main products are wood furniture which are totally exported to denmark, sweden, germany, italy and other european and american countries.in october 2003, the company invested rmb120million to set up longda wood industrial park in laiyang foodstuff industrial zone. the park covers 147,000 square meters and will be completed in 3~5 years. after the project being put into production, its annual foreign exchange earnings will reach to usd60million.