坐落于孙中山先生故居的中山市艺达(艺盛)家具有限公司,由美籍华人程森先生1980年创办。改革开放伊始,程森先生就远渡重洋到美国三潘市,接受了当地一流欧洲木工大师亲身的技艺传授,学会了制作顶级欧洲皇宫古典家具,随后在美国创办了自己的生产工厂,产品深受欧美民众的喜欢。怀着对祖国、家乡的热爱程先生回国创办了艺达家具有限公司。经过多年的发展,艺达公司无论从产品质量还是生产规模均达到国际水准。2010年由原来单一美国古典家具市场,重新定位为美国古典家具与国内外工程配套的齐头并进的市场发展方向。并成功实践了以下成功经典案例:新加坡MBC的美国运通银行生产了室内门与部分的活动家具;新加坡的MBFC(滨海湾金融中心)的美国运通银行生产了室内门与部分的活动家具;新加坡NOVARTIS公司与AMAZON公司的办公家具与部分的木质门及淡宾尼国际学校实验室家具;BWC公司的板式家具;山西运城鑫源建国大酒店;重庆北晨会所;中山骏建大楼;重庆梁平胜圆酒店;重庆北培心景园温泉度假村生产固定及部分的活动家具等等。艺盛家具的每一件产品,无不凝结了艺盛人对家乡故土的深深热爱,对美好生活的热烈向往,每一件产品无不渗透了艺盛人的汗水与心血,是最具生命力的家具艺术品。厚德以载物,精艺而盛名!努力拼搏的艺盛人秉承着父辈的勤奋诚信和精湛技艺,真心全意为客人提供最优质的产品与售后服务,艺盛人愿与客户共创辉煌! Zhongshan East Sun Furniture Locate in the home town of Mr.Sun Yat-sen. It was founded in 1980 by Mr. Sen Ching. Early of Chinas Reform and Opening-up period, Ching traveled across Oceans to San Francisco USA in search of new life. Apprenticed by master craftsmen, Sen Ching learned to build furniture by hand to the exacting requirements of demanding designers across Europe and Asia.
Bosom the love and hope of his motherland , Ching came back to China and running his own factory .After decades endeavor, East Sun Furniture become a kingdom of museum-quality antique furniture with more than ten show rooms around American.
In the year of 2010, with our decades experience and excellent workman-ship in furniture field, we decided to keep running our showrooms in USA and start to develop market of Custom Made furniture for hotels , offices ,schools.
We have done some successful cases in Singapore and China Local in passed two years.The projects such as : American Express in MBC and American Express in MBFC Singapore , Novartis Singapore, Amazon Singapore, Internation School Tampines. BWC companys office furniture, JianGuo Hotel in Shanxi, Beicheng Resort in ChongQing, Junjian Building In Zhongshan, ShengYuan Hotel in ChongQing, and XingJing Yuan Resort ChongQing etc.
Every product in East Sun means our pure love of homeland and yearning of a better spiritual world. It is the arts with painstaking effort and happiness.
The highest good is like water, to carry the outer world with a breadth of character. Honest East Sun People hope to setup long-term business relationship with our customer in high quality products.
Thanks and best Regards!