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公 司 介 绍  
    Based on the idea that "it can be done better" HTH was founded in1966 by two brothers, Hans Henning and Tony Haahr. Their underlying values remain the same despite being one of Northern Europe s largest kitchen manufacturers with an annual production of more than 1 million cupboards.
    HTH is represented in 11 countries and sales are run exclusively through a chain of 130 inspiring stores owned by independent franchisees. HTH s three factories in Denmark employ more than 1,000 people and our franchisees employ a corresponding number of sales staff.
    We have always believed that kitchens are designed and sold best by specialists. For this reason, HTH has consistently developed the best training courses for HTH staff – a crucial factor for a good end result.
    We have the greatest respect for the investments our customers have to make in a new kitchen, and we are proud of the confidence we are shown every time we receive an order.
    Our own top-notch drivers follow the order right to the door and deliver the new kitchen to the room which the customer prefers.
    HTH is part of the listed Swedish Nobia Group, which is the largest kitchen manufacturer in Europe.
主要产品:A delightful kitchen in black high gloss laminate.
法人代表:   成立时间:  年
注册资金:  万人民币 经营模式:  生产/贸易型
年营业额:  --请选择-- 员工人数:  --请选择--

Selena 女士 ( )
地  址:上海仙霞路8号904室
邮  编:200031
电  话:0086 21 62951633
传  真:
手  机:
公司网址:www.wood168.net/userfile/usr.asp?id=301618 www.hth.dk
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