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公 司 介 绍  
     中国最早最具规模的高压装饰耐火板制造商之一,生产基地占地四万平方米,拥有四条现代化生产线,月产能可达40多万片;
     拥有两大知名品牌:WAIKA(爱民家)、PEARL(珍珠),均可生产平衡板、弯曲板、金属板和抗倍特板、理化板,其独特的设计理念和个性化的风格雄居国内耐火板领域前茅,每片板材都是科技与艺术的结晶,是高品质生活的升华。
     产品广泛应用于室内装饰、家具橱柜、卫浴隔断、实验台面、车船衬体及保龄球道等方面,并以其耐火、耐热、耐磨、耐污、耐酸碱,耐压、耐撞击、防潮、防菌、防霉、抗静电、易清洁的特点受到广大用户的欢迎,产品畅销全国,并远销东南亚及欧美地区。
     营销网络遍及全国中心城市,经销、直销、专卖等多种经营模式使我们的每一位客户都可享有完善的跟踪服务、专业化的技术支持;
     目前推向市场花色近1200余种,主要尺寸为:4’*8’(1220mm*2440mm),4’*12’(1220mm*3660mm),5’*12’(1525mm*3660mm),每款均可进行亚光、亮光、珠面、绒面、珍珠绒面、梯纹面等不同的表面处理,以满足用户个性化选择;
     质量荣誉认证:ISO9002认证、国家防火建筑材料质量监督检验中心认证、铁道部产品质量监督检验认证、国家化学建筑材料测试中心认证等;
     地址:广州市荔湾区芳村广中公路海中村海海龙路116号
     敬请浏览:www.gzWAIKA.com
    Guangzhou Aiminjia Decorative Material Co., Ltd is one of the earliest and largest manufacturer of high pressure laminate in China which covers an area of 40,000 square meters and has four modern production lines, monthly laminte output are more than 40,000pcs .
    It enjogs very good reputation of two well-known brands: WAIKA (爱民家 ) and PEARL (珍珠l). Products such as the standard sheet, post-formed sheet, metal sheet (silver and gold soil), compact panel and chemsurf, are crown in domestic market by their unique design theory and individualized style, the crystallization and technology of art, the distillation of people’s high-quality life.
    Products are widely applied to upholstery, furniture and cabinets, bathroom and toilet Partition, laboratory table, carriage scaleboard, blowing alley etc, by their superior features such as resistant to fire, heat, wear, stains, corrosive agents, compression, impact, humidity, bacteria,fungus,antistatic and etc which are impressed by majority of users not only at home but also in Southeast Asia and America-Europe .
    Company marketing network spread all over China, with its various of marketing style such as distribution, direct sales make us able to supple our customers perfect after-sale services and professional technical support;
    Currently more than 1,200 color and design products for sale in the market, main size are: 4 * 8 (1220mm* 2440mm), 4 * 12 (1220mm * 3660mm), 5 * 12 (1525mm * 3660mm). Each patterns can be made into glossy, matt, suedy,rundle etc. finishes for customerized demand.
    Company’s producsts quality are certificated by ISO9002, Ministry of Railway Transportation ,China National Center for Quality Supervison and Testing of Fire Building Materials and National Chemical Building Materials Test Center etc.
    Company address: Haidi Zhonglu, Haizhong Village, Fangcun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong
    Website:www.gzWAIKA.com (Being constraction)
法人代表:  丘国波 成立时间:  1992年
注册资金:  500万人民币 经营模式:  生产型
年营业额:  人民币1000-5000万元 员工人数:  101 - 500 人

邱雪 女士 (销售部 销售工程师)
地  址:广州市荔湾区海龙路116号
邮  编:510000
电  话:02081621393
传  真:02081620231
手  机:13423685458
公司网址:www.wood168.net/userfile/usr.asp?id=340539 www.gzWAIKA.com
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