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公 司 介 绍  
    Shan Dong shouguang Yue Bang wood industry Co.,Ltd., is a professional wood manufacture company. We have good management system and great produce ability.
    The company has registered capital of 8 million covering an area of 38000 square meters. Since establishment, the company seeking on giving out the best products.
     The company is equipped with 4 plywood production lines with annual output of plywood (LVB) of 22000 cubic meters, LVL 12000 cubic meters. Block board of 16000 cubic meters, and MDF, particleboard and wood ornament panel of 20000 cubic meters as well as film faced plywood and melamine ornament panel etc. our products are all famous in the USA, Europe, Middle East and Asia etc.
     We have established a complete QC system, always give out the best.
    Also our company has a independent trading company named- Yue Bang Trade Co., Ltd., also operate effectively.
法人代表:   成立时间:  年
注册资金:  万人民币 经营模式:  生产/贸易型
年营业额:  --请选择-- 员工人数:  --请选择--

孙虎 先生 ( )
地  址:山东省寿光市晨鸣工业园
邮  编:262700
电  话:15853682314
传  真:
手  机:
公司网址:www.wood168.net/userfile/usr.asp?id=296988 www.ybwood.cn
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