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Sojitz (HK) Corporation


首 页  
    On April 1, 2003, Nichimen Corporation and Nissho Iwai Corporation established the joint holding company Nissho Iwai - Nichimen Holdings Corporation. Since inauguration, the holding company has pushed forward a number of initiatives based on the keywords of "Speed & Action" and has worked to realize the basic policies of its Business Plan, namely "Improvement in Profitability" and "Reinforcement of Financial Strength.......
主要产品:Logs, lumber,plywood,veneer and any timber products.

  shanghai sunshine ltd
  主营:wood and fiber

Sojitz (HK) Corporation的更多资料:

法人代表:   成立时间:  年
注册资金:  万人民币 经营模式:  贸易型
年营业额:  --请选择-- 员工人数:  --请选择--

Larry Chung 先生 ( )
地  址:16/F, Harbour Centre, 25 Harbo
邮  编:852
电  话:852-28441880
传  真:
手  机:
公司网址:www.wood168.net/userfile/usr.asp?id=42915 www.sojitz.com
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