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goldencert international Ltd


首 页  
    Goldencert International is an independent third party quality &Engineering services company, and aim to provide one-stop technical services to global buyers, retailers as well as their suppliers in China.
    Enjoying enthusiastic teams of highly qualified and experienced professionals,GoldenCert acts just as your own functional extension of Quality Assurance and Technical teams in China,We are able to offer you a ful......
主要产品:quality service,inspection

  主营:板式家具 整体厨房 电脑桌``椅 餐桌椅

goldencert international Ltd的更多资料:

法人代表:  peter 成立时间:  2000年
注册资金:  万人民币 经营模式:  贸易型
年营业额:  人民币250-500万元 员工人数:  51 - 100 人

地  址:guangzhou
邮  编:5101010
电  话:020-86830669
传  真:
手  机:13538723676
公司网址:www.wood168.net/userfile/usr.asp?id=296690 www.goldencert.com
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