编号 Number
| WH657 | 中文名 Chinese Name | 西南桦 | 英文名 English Name | Alder Birch | 拉丁名 Latin Name
| Betula alnoides Latin Name | 中文科名 Chinese Family Name | 桦木科 | 英文科名 English Family Name | Betulaceae |
商用名或地区名Commercial And Local Name |
树木及其分布 |
乔木(树高10-25m,胸径15-40cm) Tree ((height10-25m, Diameter at breast height15-40cm
| 外皮皮孔横条状 Lenticels of Outer bark horizontal bars
| 内皮石细胞片状 Stone cell of bark piece-like
| 中国西南 Southwest China
| 中国华南 Southern China
木材构造特征 |
心边材区别不明显 Sapwood heartwood distinction non-obvious
| 心材黄色或黄褐色 Heartwood yellow or yellow brown
| 木材纹理直 Wood straight grain
| 木材结构细 Wood fine texture
| 木材重量中等(气干密度0.56-0.75克/立方厘米) Wood moderate weight (air-dried density 0.56-0.75g/cube centimeter)
| 生长轮界略明显 Growth ring slightly obvious boundary
阔叶树材(有孔材) Broadleaf wood (porous wood )
| 散孔材 Diffuse-porous wood
| (晚材)管孔单个或星散 (latewood ) pores single or scatter
| (晚材)管孔单或2-3个径列 (latewood ) pores single o