大乔木(树高>25m,胸径>40cm) Big tree (height)>25m,Diameter at breast height>40cm
树皮中等厚(皮厚5-10mm) Bark thickness moderate (thickness 5-10mm)
外皮浅纵裂(裂口宽度与深度<5mm) Outer bark surface longitudinal shallow fissured
内皮石细胞粒状 Stone cell of bark grains-like
材表棱条(凹凸条纹) Process(process and fissure) in log surface
中国东北、内蒙古 Northeast China. Inner Mongolia
中国西北 Northwest China
中国西南 Southwest China
长江以南各省区 Each province, region in south of Yangze River
中国华北 Northern China