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       牛角拉美使君子 (PUKTE)
       合生果木 (MACHICHE)
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产品名称: 合生果木 (MACHICHE)
产品价格: 議價 (Negotiated)元/张
产品规格: 原木直径30cm*
学名: Lonchocarpus spp
商名: black cabbage-Bark(黑皮树 )、合生果木 、 Bastard locust(次洋槐 )、 Balche、 Machiche
分布: 南美洲
硬度: 2700 IBF
特征: 心边材区别明显,心材黄褐色至深褐色都有,边材窄小,略显黄色,木材重,纹理直至略交错,心材新
加工: 硬度大但加工不难,因纹理交错所以抛光性不佳,锯切、钻孔与胶黏性均好,车削加工、砂光性、手工
与机械加工性能均佳,适合雕刻 。
用途: 桥梁、重型构件、机械底座、地板、家具、细木工、轻型构件、坑木、木桩、车削加工屋架、轮和轮

辐、铁轨、枕木 。

Binomial name : lonchocarpus castilloi

General name  : Black cabbage-Bark

                            Bastard locust、Balche、Machiche

Area                  : South America

Janka : 2700 lbf

Feature : Heartwood color ranges from light-brownish to darker red-brownish. Sapwood is yellow, giving this wood a strong contrast from its heartwood. Grain direction can be irregular, straight and interlocked with the lines being thin and light-colored. Its texture is always coarse. It is also a very durable wood with high resistance to insect damage. Newly cut the heartwood of this species also emits a pleasant aroma.


Process : Easy to work with, but be mindful of dealing with irregular or interlocking texture when you work with it. Matching, turning, gluing, and finishing results are excellent making this wood exceptionally suitable for carvings and wood sculptures.


Uses : Mainly used for decking, flooring, furniture, pit piles, and other outdoor projects, especially railroad related, such as railroad ties, rail tracks, wheel spokes and other lightweight components. Additionally, it fares well a durable and sturdy construction material in the tropics.

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