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       尤卡坦阔变豆木 (GRANADILLO)
       苦木裂榄木 (CHACA)
       橙心木 (CHACTE VIGA)
       牛角拉美使君子 (PUKTE)
       合生果木 (MACHICHE)
       ​人心果树 (CHICOZAPOTE)
       红心木 (CHAKTE KOK)
       墨西哥皇家黑檀( KATALOX )


产品名称: ​人心果树 (CHICOZAPOTE)
产品价格: 議價 (Negotiated)元/张
产品规格: 原木直径30cm*

学名 : Manilkara zapota

商名 : Chico Zapote、Zapote、Sapodilla


分布 : 热带美洲,墨西哥南部至巴西南部和巴拉圭。

硬度 : ​2870 IBF

特征 : 颜色从粉色至红色、深红褐色等。边材浅黄色至心材渐变深。有着中到细的纹理和直纹理,木材结构均匀。耐久度超高,具抗昆虫侵害能力。

​加工 : 密度高但不難加工,加工後效果好也無異味,车旋和胶黏性能好。

用途 : 细木工、地板、家具、橱柜,箭弓,车旋制品和一些小型木工制品,质地细腻均匀,纹理清晰。

Binomial name : Manilkara zapota

General name  : Chico Zapote、Zapote、Sapodilla

Area  : Tropical America、Paraguay、Southern Mexico to southern Brazil 

Janka : 2870 lbf

Features: Heartwood color spectrum encompasses pink, red and red-browns. Its sapwood has a pale yellowish tone that gradually transitions to its heartwood more than other species. Its grain is mostly straight, but can also be wavy. And its texture is usually fine and homogeneous throughout. It is also a highly durable wood as well as insect resistance.


Process: The challenge of working this species comes from its high density. Nevertheless, the results always remain outstanding. Experts have reported moderate blunting effects on cutters and other tools, yet it turns and finishes extremely well.

Uses: Frequently used in furniture, cabinetry, flooring, stylish archery bows, gun stocks and turned objects. As well as other small specialty wood crafts. Whatever your end product, using this wood ensures steady, subtle and radiant textures when finished.

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