International Paper([贸易型] 主要产品:美国硬木板材,品种有:Red oak, White oak,Ash, Hard maple,Soft maple,Poplar.. 木皮(Veneer) Cherry, Red oak, white 地址:广东省东莞道滘镇南阁工业区
Penrod Shanghai Offi[生产/贸易型] 主要产品:Hard Maple, Black Cherry, Black Walnut, White Ash, White Oak, Red Oak, Yellow Birch etc 地址:room0325, 509 caobao Road Shan
PRO-MOTION INTERNATI[贸易型] 主要产品:美国Red Oak红橡木,White Oak白橡木,Hard Maple硬枫,Soft Maple软枫,White Ash水曲柳,Cherry樱桃木,Yellow Poplar白杨木, White P 地址:810-2050 BRIDLETOWNE CIRCLE,SC
Chengda Heilongjiang[生产/贸易型] 主要产品:Dried square board Wet and white birch board No-defects square dimension stock Moulding
地址:No.143 Beihai Street, Xigang D
Lumberjack Lumber In[生产/贸易型] 主要产品:White and Red pine,Spruce and Fir,White Ash and Bassswood ,Beech and Yellow Birch,Cherry and Hickory 地址:85 North Street Unit 3, Clarem
美国赫尔姆木材公司北京办事处[生产/贸易型] 主要产品:出口北美材圆木、木方等木材产品,可提供Red Oak,White Oak,American Walnut, American Cherry,Maple,Alder,Poplar,Cypress, Re 地址:北京市朝阳区慧忠北里
Euro Timber Trading [贸易型] 主要产品:european white oak, red oak, maple, cherry, beech, sprue, fir, pine etc. 地址:guangzhou office
Alley Partnership, I[生产型] 主要产品:White Oak, Red Oak,Buttonwood, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, White Ash, Hickory and Black Walnut 地址:1372 Mallet Hill Ellisville, M
danish forest tradin[贸易型] 主要产品:european white oak, beech, ash, maple, spruce, fir, pine 地址:kolding,denmark